Makgona Tsohle Band - Take Your Time
The Skylarks, Miriam Makeba - Uile Ngoana Batho
Miriam Makeba - The Click Song
Hugh Masekela - Phatsha-Phatsha
Hugh Masekela - Umaningi Bona
Hugh Masekela - Grazing In The Grass
Hugh Masekela - The Big Apple
Four Brothers - Makorokoto
Dorothy Masuka - Ufikizolo
The Sungura Boys - Sara Ugarike
David Zé - Candinha
Jovens Do Brenda - Ilha Virgem
Clan African Jazz - Independance Tchatcha
Franco & le T.P. OK Jazz - Mario
African Fiesta - Ki Makango Mpe Libala
Otis Waygood - A Madman's Cry
Soul Brothers - Bayeza
Nelcy Sedibe - Holotelani
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