1. "Time Capsule" (Intro)
2. "I Love It When You Cry (Moxoki)" (Radio Edit) (with Moxie Raia)
3. "Youth Dem (Turn Up)" (featuring Snoop Lion)
4. "Hysteria" (featuring Matthew Koma)
5. "Darker Than Blood" (featuring Linkin Park)
6. "Lightning Strikes" (with NERVO and Tony Junior)
7. "TARS" (Interlude) (featuring Kip Thorne)
8. "Home We'll Go (Take My Hand)" (with Walk off the Earth)
9. "Heaven on Earth" (featuring Sherry St. Germain)
10. "Holding Up the World" (featuring Harrison and Albin Myers)
11. "Light Years" (featuring Rivers Cuomo)
12. "Warp Speed" (Outro) (featuring J.J. Abrams)

R2 Keikka: Anett live @ Kultuurikatel
Neljakordselt Eesti Muusikaauhindadega pärjatud Anett andis
11. detsembril enda seni suurima soolokontserdi Kultuurikatlas väljamüüdud saalile.
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